Thursday, August 1, 2013

7 Tips to Create Content Faster

Many people find it difficult to write articles and blogs primarily because of the following reasons:
• There is too much noise on the web. It creates confusion and it becomes difficult at times to choose a topic and find unique subject matter.
• There are so many distractions in our life, such as smart phones, social media and interruptions by the people around us.
• The demand for content is too high and it's difficult to maintain quality with high volumes.
Digital marketing companies need a lot of content to effectively market their products and websites. They hire content writers and ask them to write dozens of articles a day on the given keywords. This makes life difficult for a writer. But, there are ways you can resolve this issue now, as there are proven ways to create content faster. You can choose "how to" topics as they solve problems. As far as "how to" articles are concerned, these are the favorites with the bloggers and SEO content writers.
Using templates
It's good to use article writing templates, as they save a lot of your time thinking about the subject and the outline of your article. Article writing is an art and you can master it, if you follow certain tips. provides extremely useful article writing templates, which can be downloaded for just a few dollars. You can improve your article writing speed significantly with these templates.
Furthermore, they will also help you to create articles in bulk, without having to worry about the topics and the body of the article. All you have to do is to think about a problem, Google it for its solutions, think of innovative ways to solve it and provide your own inputs in it.
Now religiously follow the following 7 tips to create content faster:
1. Keep your Smartphone away from your desk. (On silent mode preferably, which is the standard practice in MNCs)
2. Logout from all social networking sites, apps, Skype, Gmail, Vlogs and Yahoo etc. (Set an auto-responder and come back to your mail every three hours to keep in touch with your contacts.)
Remember a golden rule-- your business contacts respect you because of your performance at work and not because of your prompt customer service.
3. Don't use MS Word, use instead. It's a distraction free writing with a black background, which doesn't strain your eyes. Try it, it's free and it works magically.
4. Set a stop watch or just a wrist watch and assign a time frame for your present work/article/blog and then religiously stick to it.
5. Use "Dragon Naturally Speaking" dictation software, instead of typing. It increases your speed three times.
6. Stay away from all kinds of distractions and sit at a place which does not offer tempting views of the surroundings. Women are beautiful, but they can also dampen your spirits and affect your creative streak.
7. Write like a sprinter and come back to edit it later on. Never do both the tasks simultaneously.
Tip: There is too much repetitiveness on the Internet, so don't duplicate the same old facts most of your readers are already familiar with. Create something new; think of an out of the box solution. Remember, you are a human being with the most developed brain in the universe. You are also an individual, so you can present your own unique perceptions, ideas and views, rather than copying it from someone else. Follow these tips and experience a remarkable improvement in your speed as well as quality of article writing.
Nashaat Quadri is a freelance writer, blogger and social media strategist based in New Delhi. His favorite subjects are motivation, digital marketing, online education and electronic gadgets. You can hire him to create quality content and blog posts for assured incoming traffic to your website.

1 comment:

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